Pitra Dosh Nivaran Jaap

There are many ways by which Pitra Dosh can occur. According to general information from various Puran, Pitra Dosh occurs when the soul of our ancestors and departed forefathers does not get peace (shanti) due to any of the following main reason, and there may be others.

  • Bad deeds (bad karma) of our ancestors in earlier life, knowingly or unknowingly, are embarrassing their souls,
  • Bad deeds (bad karma) of children, knowingly or unknowingly, are embarrassing the soul of ancestors,
  • Lack of fulfillments of parental desires of our ancestors,
  • A sudden and unnatural death of any relative ancestors in early age,
  • If someone fails to remember and honor the ancestors properly,
  • If certain wishes are remained attached with the soul of the ancestors, etc.

It is stated in the ancient text that Pitra Dosh occurs if any ancestors up to the 7th generation on the father’s side and up to the 4th generation on the mother’s side have expired at an early age or have had an unnatural death.

Our ancestors are not only our family members or relatives, but also our teachers, mentors, role models, friends, and guardians, who have contributed to our welfare and growth in this or previous life. This creates an implied obligation on us to respect them and their parental desires and calls for following good deeds. If by any chance this is not followed by anyone, it may embarrass the souls of the ancestors, which, in turn, becomes Pitra Dosh.

How to identify if someone is suffering from Pitra Dosh?
The effect of Pitra Dosh can also be found using the Vedic Astrology. According to Vedic Astrology, Pitra Dosh occurs when Sun and Moon is afflicted with Rahu and Ketu. It also has a direct connection with Hindu Mythology.

At the core of Astrology, Pitra Dosh is one type of Yoga, which is formed by various combinations and placements of planets and houses. As per Astrology system, Sun is the symbol of Father. Furthermore, the 10th house in the horoscope also indicates Father and related aspects. Hence, if any negative combination of Sun or the 10th house, indicates presence of some kind of Pitra Dosh.

Pitra Dosh Yoga is formed when Rahu and Ketu are with any of the planet and are placed in the 6th, 8th and the 12th house. Many a times, this yoga is also formed in the 5th house. In another combination, when 9th house, 9th lord, 9th house from the moon or the lord of 9th house from the moon is under influence of Rahu and Ketu this indicates Pitra Dosh. Apart from this it is also said that if Rahu is situated in 2nd, 6th 8th and 12th house then it is considered as Pitra Dosh.

At many places, Saturn is also hold equally responsible for different forms of Pitra Dosh. When Sun and Saturn are in the same house, or having Drishti (affecting each other), it is also considered as Pitra Dosh.

Saturn also represents our ancestors. If Saturn is afflicting Moon then predict that Pitra Dosh is from maternal side, while if Saturn is afflicting Sun, then predict that the Pitra Dosh is from paternal side. For this to happen, the 5th lord/house should also be afflicted.

Astrological combinations and calculations are used to precisely find out the exact problem and related solution of Pitra Dosh. Such astrological calculations are good, but they are far more complex and hard to understand for a common man.

Then how a common man can identify if he is under the bad influences of Pitra Dosh? Well, there are some signs and methods given in the ancient texts, which help a person in identifying Pitra Dosh. Following are the most important signs to identify the existence of Pitra Dosh.
  • Children are falling sick repeatedly.
  • The couple has problem in conceiving the child, i.e. problem in getting pregnant..
  • Repeated miscarriages.
  • Only a girl child is being conceived repeatedly.
  • Quarrels among family members without any reasonable reason.

Remedies for Pitra Dosh:
Vedic Astrology prescribes many remedies for all the problems from simple to complex and cheapest to costly. There are many ways available to nullify the effects of Pitra Dosh. Some of the ways are described below.

It is believed that satisfying our ancestors and forefathers, we can have their blessings for peaceful and happy life. For the peace of the souls of our ancestors it is advices to perform SHRADDH.

Shraddh is the ritual and ceremony performed for the departed souls of our ancestors. According to ancient texts, the Shraddh is performed during dark fortnight (Krishna Paksh) in the month of Ashwin which reaches to the ancestors immediately and their souls will rest in peace. On the last day of the fortnight, Amavasya oblations are offered to all those dead ancestors whose Tithi ( Date according to Hindu Calendar) of dead is not known.

Hindu Purans are full of details about Shraddh, especially Bramha Puran, Garud Puran, Agni Puran and Matsya Puran. Lord Yama himself explained the importance of Shraddh performed during Pitra Paksh. All the sinful deeds committed by the ancestors are cleansed by the Shraddh, and all the ancestors bless those performing the Shraddh rituals.

The customs and the rituals performed during Pitra Paksh vary regionally. Some people fast on that day, and some do not shave for the fortnight. Some performs Puja and some offer food to the crows. According to Hindu mythology, crows represents forefathers, therefore crows are offered food in these days. On each day of the fortnight oblations of water and PINDs or balls of rice and meal are offered to the dead relatives by the surviving relatives. This process is also called PIND DAAN.

Pind Daan is generally done in the Pitra Kshetra ( Area ). According to Puran Pitra kshetra have been divided into five parts out of these Bodhigaya as Shira kshetra, Vaitarni as Nabhi kshetra, Pithapur as padaar kshetra, Siddhpur as Matru kshetra and Badrinath as Brahma-kapali kshetra. Thus, all these five-Pitra tirtha are various organs of one body.

Bodhigaya Kshetra is very famous, ancient and holy pilgrim for dedicating Pind Daan for ancestors and forefathers. That is situated on the bank of Falgu river in Bihar state.

Nabhigaya Kshetra is situated at Jajpur village on the bank of Vaitarni river in Orissa state. It is also known as Nabhi Kshetra. Vaitarni river is famous in Puran wherein it is mentioned that after death one has to cross Vaitarni river and the person who have perform good deeds during his life time can only cross the river very easily. But by performing Pitra Tarpan Puja here, one can make his forefather cross this river.

Padgaya Kshetra is situated at Pithapur at Tamil Nadu state on the Madra-valter railway line. It is situated near Raj Mahendri station.

Siddhpur is known as Matru Gaya Kshetra is situated in Mahesana district of Gujarat state. Bhagavan Parshuram performed Pind Daan of his mother in Siddhpur. On the bank of Bindu Sarovar, Pind Daan and Shraddh ceremony are performed.

Performing Shraddh is also considered as the offering of our respect and gratitude towards our ancestors. Many times performing only Shraddh is not sufficient enough to remove the Pitra Dosh. Special rituals and puja has to be performed in order to remove the evil effects of Pitra Dosh.